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Thread: Why Is WordPress So Blooming Confusing?
Started: 20-02-2024 23:21:57 by Alex x | 1 Post | Viewed: 462 Times
20-02-2024 23:21:57

Alex x
Join Date: 20-02-2024 23:21:57
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Why Is WordPress So Blooming Confusing?

Why Is WordPress So Blooming Confusing?

20-02-2024 23:26:49

Join Date: 20-02-2024 23:26:49
Posts: 1

Having barely ever looked at WordPress before

I give behavioural support and training to dogs. I also write a fair bit.

Having barely ever looked at WordPress before, let alone tried to create a website with it, for some odd reason I decided it would be a good idea to start my journey with the platform in the middle of the night when most normal people sleep.


So I swore, and googled, and swore and googled a bit more, paid out for domain names, googled again, swore a little more, and this is as far as I have got with it.

I don’t think it looks too bad. It certainly looks better than it did when I was a few hours in, staring at a template that I had somehow screwed up. I think I am finally getting the hang of it.

When I work out how, I am going to shut one of my older websites down and redirect it to a page here. Then I will move my shop too. I think my school will be a bit of an ask though.

I can cross post to Medium, so that is not a problem. I can write on both platforms at the same time. Easy Peasy.

But what to do about the Substack newsletter I started? Should I keep posting actively over there or move to this platform entirely? I notice posts go out here automatically to subscribers… So as that is no extra work, should I just keep Substack going as normal? Or is that too much for my clients and readers?.. Hmmm…

So many decisions!

But the thing is, I know what I DO want.

I want my life to be easy. I want to write. I want to teach dogs. I want to streamline my clients’ experience by directing them to a one-stop destination. I want to work smartly and get paid properly.

In order to do that, I need to not spread myself so thinly over so many platforms and websites, and go with things that will cost me less money. Or even better, pay me, like Medium does.

So that means that I need to make efforts to streamline.

Why run three websites when I can run one?

Why write in four different places when I can write in one?